“Another bad luck game for the ogres...every kick off result against them...opponent made miraculous two die against blocks followed by one die blocks. while I saw several sets of double skulls. FF goes down with the tie while opponents goes up...no cash won while opponent gets 40k...opponent uses apo on a bh...meanwhile a one die block ends up giving an ogre a niggle which i apoth...then shortly thereafter another ogre gets an si and a move reduction...this team which looked so promising at one time is slowly being bad diced to death...best gobs also get niggles..what more can be said?
“Admittily some of the die rolls in this game was lucky! That said didnt use many RR either so some of the bad die if they had of come, could have been overted! If only my lousy thrower could learn to pick up the ball with sure hands (3 turns running) i would of probably gain a Lucky but well deserved win! Verses a team with 39 more team rating and 18 more in strength Da Kave Killers once again proved they can mix it with the big boys and come out on top. As for the SI's gobbos never stand much of a chance when you place them next to a Blitz with MB & Takle!!!!!
P.S As the luck stats show i cant of had ALL the luck!”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Watch the replay is all i have to say.”