“The Adepts faced their Dwarvish rivals in a do or die match, with relegation still on the line. The opening drive typified the two teams strategies with bruising hits, well placed boots and not a lot of ball movement. Tony Twinkletoes brought the rock close to line but the Adepts managed to knock him down enought to keep KFC scoreless at the half.
The Adpets opened the second with some help from the crowd, stunning half of KFCs squad. But normally level headed Shariputra charged recklessly and the Adepts were in danger of losing the ball. Only the agile and ever amazing Abhya could save the day for them, with a miraculous pickup and pass to a wide open Ryushin, who managed to bull his way pst the only defender nearby and into the endzone.
With one half remaining the Dwarves mounted their attack but miscommunication amongest the blockers lead to thew ball being knocked loose and recovered by the Adpets who took it down the fiels out of any KFC plaers reach.
3pts: Tony Twinkletoes - Rushed here and there, and only great defense and luck combined kept him out of the endzone
2pts: Grim Ironjaw - This understated star did his bit knocking people left and right and causing havok for the Adepts
1pt: Brett Rainbow - This blitzer managed a cas and also swung the tide several times with well placed blocks.”
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The Adpets opened the second with some help from the crowd, stunning half of KFCs squad. But normally level headed Shariputra charged recklessly and the Adepts were in danger of losing the ball. Only the agile and ever amazing Abhya could save the day for them, with a miraculous pickup and pass to a wide open Ryushin, who managed to bull his way pst the only defender nearby and into the endzone.
With one half remaining the Dwarves mounted their attack but miscommunication amongest the blockers lead to thew ball being knocked loose and recovered by the Adpets who took it down the fiels out of any KFC plaers reach.
3pts: Tony Twinkletoes - Rushed here and there, and only great defense and luck combined kept him out of the endzone
2pts: Grim Ironjaw - This understated star did his bit knocking people left and right and causing havok for the Adepts
1pt: Brett Rainbow - This blitzer managed a cas and also swung the tide several times with well placed blocks.”