- Linelf Sospolio gets the ball and scores. 3 - 0 : 2 points
- Linelf Knamel gets the ball
- Goblin Domi goes down with Knamel
- Elf Thrower Inglostat crowdpushes Goblin Kamacho for a gouged eye
- Knamel picks the ball up
- Goblin Will smashes hand of Linelf Fernalde, but the apothecary heals him
- Knamel scores. 4 - 0 : 2 points
Total CAS: 4 : 4 points
Total TDs: 4 : 8 points
Final Score: 4 - 0 : 2 points
Coach's Comments:
"The reload messed up the writeup, but I am probably safe in saying that this was a silly game. A lot of good SPPs and FF increase. Thanks for the game!" ”
Key plays:
***Data Lost***
2nd half
- Linelf Sospolio gets the ball and scores. 3 - 0 : 2 points
- Linelf Knamel gets the ball
- Goblin Domi goes down with Knamel
- Elf Thrower Inglostat crowdpushes Goblin Kamacho for a gouged eye
- Knamel picks the ball up
- Goblin Will smashes hand of Linelf Fernalde, but the apothecary heals him
- Knamel scores. 4 - 0 : 2 points
Total CAS: 4 : 4 points
Total TDs: 4 : 8 points
Final Score: 4 - 0 : 2 points
Coach's Comments:
"The reload messed up the writeup, but I am probably safe in saying that this was a silly game. A lot of good SPPs and FF increase. Thanks for the game!"