“A blood-fest, where my guys actually gave as good as they got for a change. Dead ogre, but he was just a single-skill guy so while annoying, not a real big loss. Armor drop to a highly useful blitzer (my namesake, actually) is troubling, but he'll be back for more.
Lizards almost got away with the game, with some insane ball-handling by his saurii. Twice he handed off to one, neither time needing a RR. Another time one caught a bouncing ball despite two tz's, again no RR. Only thing that kept us in this match was the smelling salts at halftime, giving me half my team back. That and the carnage to his skinks...his saurii, meanwhile, had av15 for all the damage I was doing to him. Despite repeated MB shots and gangfouls, I only got one saurii ko and one BH all game. Turned out to be just enough, though.
Rough match, glad it was my norse and not my skaven taking this beating.”
Lizards almost got away with the game, with some insane ball-handling by his saurii. Twice he handed off to one, neither time needing a RR. Another time one caught a bouncing ball despite two tz's, again no RR. Only thing that kept us in this match was the smelling salts at halftime, giving me half my team back. That and the carnage to his skinks...his saurii, meanwhile, had av15 for all the damage I was doing to him. Despite repeated MB shots and gangfouls, I only got one saurii ko and one BH all game. Turned out to be just enough, though.
Rough match, glad it was my norse and not my skaven taking this beating.”