“Funny Match between two evenly matched teams that the Raggmattaz ended with a lucky win. It didn't look like this would be a good day for the shorties as they were just terrible with the blocks. It all culminated in a 3d block that failed to produce a push in T8, which left the ballcarrier needing a dodge to score. Of course he failed and it was 0:0 at the half. The Gorgons then rushed thru the defence at the beginning of the second half, looking to score fast. A 2d blitz on the ballcarrier again miserably failed and the Elves went up 1:0. Coach Aperon then succesfully slowed down the Chaos Dwarfs, who could only advance slowly and score in T15. It all looked like a draw, but then...BLITZ. The Raggmattaz ran forward and secured the ball. Even a bad blitz, which initially failed again to push the defender out of the way could not stop the winning score and the dark dwarfes celebrated their victory.”