CTV 1820k Amazon
Orc CTV 2060k
#1 Miss delightful – Dead (RIP)
#3 Prom queen Annabelle – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#3 Prom queen Annabelle – Smashed Collar Bone (-ST)
#6 Honey huggles – Broken Ribs (MNG)
#6 Honey huggles – Smashed Hip (-MA)
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Ok, things looked good for my dear girls, knowing how soft and small the pink people are, even if these were savage women from the jungles they are still weaklings.
PigStar got Bad press for handi, I made my niggle roll and I won the cointoss, so I was very satisfied with the start.
With 3 tackle of which 2 had MB I thought this would be a pretty easy win.
Things worked out ok on first turn gettin one amazon out. My plan was to foul the opposing dp with my dp but I only got a push on the blitz.
In Pigstars first turn he then could blitz my blitzer down and then foul with the DP thatI failed to knock over. Lucky foul, with only 1 assist poor Carolina went RIP but the apothecary rushed in to aid her successfully.
From this on things went pretty bad. The zons managed to get 2 of my tacklers BH very fast and returned the favour by killing the star thrower twice. Even so with no advantage in number and only one tackle I failed to move the ball securely and in turn6 the zons could 2d blitz it successfully. I still managed to keep them from scoring though and the half ended without any TDs.
Second began good for me with a very bad turn for PigStar. I had an equally bad turn though and in turn2 Pigstar could get the ball far into my half with an insane number of GFIs and dodges.
Now I also failed to even roll any pow with my one tackler left and things began to look very grim.
Surpricingly Pigstar scored in turn 4 already so I had 5 turns to score.
My drive began disastrous though with no zons out and then another orc out in the next. It was now down to 8 orcs vs 11 zons and I were in deep trouble as I continued to fail to hurt them and the zons could then take the ball after catching two random bounces. In turn 7 with a final desperate move I through my gobbo with my troll against the ballcarrier that was deep back near Pigstar's endzone. The gobbo scattered in the wrong direction but still hit another amazon knocking her down at the same time as knocking himself out.
Now I could blitz another covering zon though and after that I could mark the ballcarrier with two players.
After a failed chainpush Pigstar now had to dodge with the ballcarrier and to my amazement (as it hadn't been many failed rolls for the zon uptil then) she failed the dodge and the ball went free.
With a final run and 2 gfi of one of the marking orcs I could score 1-1 in turn16.
I had 3 orcs KO and only one came back but the amazon that was KO failed to recover also. So it was 8 orcs vs 9 zons and I was lucky enough to get the ball.
Now the game turned totally and finally I managed to hurt the zons knocking several out each turn. Quickly it was down to 7 vs 4 and I could walk safely and score in turn24.
Sadly enough the evil zons wanted revenge and killed Munch the high flying goblin in their last turn meaning I'm still a bit short on players for the final.
An amazing turnaround and I'm glad I didn't give up but fought to the bitter end and it payed of splendidly.
I have to say PigStar was a very nice opponent though and totally understood me when I was complaining about my luck (like I so often do) and even if I was about to call this game at least a semi dice rape it still didn't feel all that bad.
Well played and Good game!”