“Whilst we both had runs of bad luck, the Goats had far worse, far far worse consistently.
They could have scored twice, but once the start of the turn was Skull/ + Skull/Pow (un-neccessary block) and the second was a GFI to score.
But it was not much of a game anyway with all the constant Skull/Pows rolled whilst my opponent made nearly every roll required apart from a couple of snakes and a double skulls which was irrelevant because I ended up losing the ball in the same area shortly afterwards.
Joke of a game. Opponent whilst very experienced, didn't even play his best game (eg un-necessary 3+ dodge) but you don't have to play with skill with dice rolls like today.”
They could have scored twice, but once the start of the turn was Skull/ + Skull/Pow (un-neccessary block) and the second was a GFI to score.
But it was not much of a game anyway with all the constant Skull/Pows rolled whilst my opponent made nearly every roll required apart from a couple of snakes and a double skulls which was irrelevant because I ended up losing the ball in the same area shortly afterwards.
Joke of a game. Opponent whilst very experienced, didn't even play his best game (eg un-necessary 3+ dodge) but you don't have to play with skill with dice rolls like today.”