#16 Ejgil The Agile – Broken Ribs (MNG) #16 Ejgil The Agile – Smashed Knee (NI)
“A harsh and dirty game with lost of fouling and stalling. But Hel came to the pitch and chose Wrarrg to go to her underworld for all eternity...
Not a grand game, just happy to come out alive. Ejgil the agile left the team to become a settled bard.
Bragi's Harp: +4 points for composing a match reporth worthy of him = +4
Hoenir's Boots: +1 for each rush move after the 12th (i.e. rush 18 = +6 points) = +3
Hel's Chosen: If a player, (in your team or the opponents) dies either by a kill or falling over and is not saved by the apoth gains +5 point = +5
Freya's Cat: +1 for each succesful dodge made bye your team's players = +4
in all = 16”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
Not a grand game, just happy to come out alive. Ejgil the agile left the team to become a settled bard.
Bragi's Harp: +4 points for composing a match reporth worthy of him = +4
Hoenir's Boots: +1 for each rush move after the 12th (i.e. rush 18 = +6 points) = +3
Hel's Chosen: If a player, (in your team or the opponents) dies either by a kill or falling over and is not saved by the apoth gains +5 point = +5
Freya's Cat: +1 for each succesful dodge made bye your team's players = +4
in all = 16”