“"Whatz dis ere 2-0" said Jaws the gruesome Black orc.
"It woz definitely 4-1 we badly hurt n maimed," pauses and tries to count his fingers,"er der four of their players and dey kicked Pigsy into da crowd breaking his jaw." he carried on.
Lord Tenpole sighed and shook his head "No the idea of the game is to get that leather ball to the other side of the pitch."
"It woz definitely 4-1 we badly hurt n maimed," pauses and tries to count his fingers,"er der four of their players and dey kicked Pigsy into da crowd breaking his jaw." he carried on.
Lord Tenpole sighed and shook his head "No the idea of the game is to get that leather ball to the other side of the pitch."
"Dat iz a stupid idea" he replied”