#11 Sloths companion of Mistake – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“"A whole month had passed and the players had taken themselves a huge break. Since there was no other assistant coach to yell at them they had become fat and lazy very quickly. Not to mention the strategies. But coach had survived the 12th facial surgery, looked horrible, some said worse than the beast! A slow start, a quick kill of one of the explosive little lizzards. For a great part of the game Oblivion was under with 0-1. But after a massive shout and scream attack from coach they woke up, prayed to nuffle and played at their maximum skill. And it gave result. Last turn touchdown, with a massive rotterblitz to open up for a free beastman. The lizzards had one turn left, and with quicksnap, some nice blows and moves they were close to a draw. Atleast the coach was sweating badly at this time. No improvments on the players were made, but a very nice winning made it possible to buy the last rotter for the team. They were now playing as a big family, with no huge stars, maybe this was the winning alternative for this team who had 12 retired players in 20 games! Maybe... but they didnt forget their oat to revenge the orcs. Never!"
Thanks for a cool game, read the teamĀ“s bio if you want to understand.”
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Thanks for a cool game, read the teamĀ“s bio if you want to understand.”