“Another unfortunte day in the office for the Flesh Hounds... Razar the Wolf bit the dust... however Grinar steped up to the challenge to fill Razars shoes and managed to pull off a TD to skill up.
Welcome Marklar the Ghoul to the team and the count made a very stong note in blood to make sure the golems skill up... cos golems less block means naffola...
Great game and once this team takes off and starts skilling up they will be great... a slow start but they will be here for some time to come! Dun dun duuuun....”
Welcome Marklar the Ghoul to the team and the count made a very stong note in blood to make sure the golems skill up... cos golems less block means naffola...
Great game and once this team takes off and starts skilling up they will be great... a slow start but they will be here for some time to come! Dun dun duuuun....”