“The Amazonian Goddesses 50th game, ladies and gentlemanly ladies! Nuffle decided that as a lil present for this special occasion he would bestow an almost fool proof set of dice. Needless to say if I were to misclick a mummy into on-coming traffic he would gladly dodge to safety. Not only were my dice on fire my opponents were cut, leaving him with way too many ones. No skills were gotten from the game, but it felt good playing the ladies into a great victory. This said I still miss Rebel with a Cause. She made my special parts tingle. SO STUPID AM I!!!”
#9 Mooooo! – Broken Ribs (MNG) #9 Mooooo! – Serious Concussion (-AV) #15 Third time stuoopid – Dead (RIP)
“F me, what a dice rape.
gg Glamdryn, but we never had a chance in this game.
Beaten up by zons, DP sent off first foul with the eye on the opposition, blitz against, wizard fails to stun yr 7 AV runner to stop the first TD, KO blitz stops me setting up for the tying td and gives you yr 2nd, snake eyes stops my consolation td and almost gives you a 3rd. And my troll fails to regen after being killed by a non-MB block. Some days, nuffle really has it in for you....”
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