“My Chaos dwarfs were not really in this game at any stage...
Knowing ball handling would be critical, my failed pickup in first turn was always going to be crucial... and i did indeed pay for it conceding the score in turn 3 despite me blasting his ball carrier with a Lightening bolt. (it was a waste of the wiz but i hoped for some failed dodge/pickup the next turn.)
Then got blitzed to concede again very easily by Mateuszzz super gutters.
Then next kickoff result was a pitch invasion which stunned more of my key players than skaven and ened in the 3rd skaven score.
Throughout the game i was unable to form a cage/handle the ball well and the skavens speed took full advantage of this with dauntless proving a thorn in my side throughout.
My score was basically because mateuszz knew that game was dead and ran his cowardly skaven away from my players hehe.
Could of been 4-1 but to avoid another LOS bashing (which is the only thing my team did well today) Mateuszz declined to score in his turn 8.
Overall typical skaven/dwarf matchup... if you drop the ball you lose to developed gutters which made my teams ability to eat AV7 rather redundant.
Knowing ball handling would be critical, my failed pickup in first turn was always going to be crucial... and i did indeed pay for it conceding the score in turn 3 despite me blasting his ball carrier with a Lightening bolt. (it was a waste of the wiz but i hoped for some failed dodge/pickup the next turn.)
Then got blitzed to concede again very easily by Mateuszzz super gutters.
Then next kickoff result was a pitch invasion which stunned more of my key players than skaven and ened in the 3rd skaven score.
Throughout the game i was unable to form a cage/handle the ball well and the skavens speed took full advantage of this with dauntless proving a thorn in my side throughout.
My score was basically because mateuszz knew that game was dead and ran his cowardly skaven away from my players hehe.
Could of been 4-1 but to avoid another LOS bashing (which is the only thing my team did well today) Mateuszz declined to score in his turn 8.
Overall typical skaven/dwarf matchup... if you drop the ball you lose to developed gutters which made my teams ability to eat AV7 rather redundant.
GG and GL in next round mate.”