“The Goblin horde and their Trolls came to slaughter, the Norse stood slient deep in pray as they took up their battle formation and waited for the whistle to signal kick off. The Gobbos had bad luck, their Trolls did not do they fair share of the work with only 1 SI, and were busy with the Mino the Norse brought with them.
Bragi's Harp: +4
Hoenir's Boots: +12
Hel's Chosen: +10
Heimdal's Horn: +0
Spawn of Loki: +0
Tyr's Hand: +0
Ettin Slayer: +5
Gullenbursti The Golden Boar: +4
Freya's Cat: +2
Thors Hammer: +10
Odin's Ravens: +0
Skadi's Sentence: +0
Total +47”