“Well my "Bloodthirty" opponent!! (Joking). It was worth the ticket price just to see the orcs fall flat on their faces time after time and then the blood God of Khorne just to ignnore his minions when the time was right for the kill (or not in this case).
Being an Orc player (for many years in real life) Ii'm used to fielding a bunch of no hopers and morons but my gods are meant to have a sense of humour, what happened to yours?
Any way if every game was as enjoyable I would be here every minute, time next time. One last thought before we square up again i'm going to be praying to the orc gods of Gork and Mork for a little intervention before the last quarter!!”
Being an Orc player (for many years in real life) Ii'm used to fielding a bunch of no hopers and morons but my gods are meant to have a sense of humour, what happened to yours?
Any way if every game was as enjoyable I would be here every minute, time next time. One last thought before we square up again i'm going to be praying to the orc gods of Gork and Mork for a little intervention before the last quarter!!”