“This was a tough match. I was expecting the AV 7 Pro Elves to fold under our mighty onslaught... not so much.
Not only that, but my dice were pretty weak. Our Luck % was 47-49 pretty much the whole game.
1st Half. Mats stole the ball from me and scored on the defense. I barely got a return TD in on Turn 8. Caught an early CAS on my only remaining guarding blitzer. Should have put Iron Woman on her!
2nd Half. 1-1. I'm on defense. After a few bone crunching turns, I catch a lucky blitz on the ball handler. In his attempts to get it back, it bounces into the hands of Napalm. She runs off with it only to get blitzed and lose it again. A no RR pass attempt in a TZ fails miserably and it's a gang-swarm for the ball. Manko blitzes her way through the defense, picks it up and waits. Swarm Manko! Next turn, she dodges out and makes a completion to Allura who hauls tail for the EZ. The tackling Dragon Warrior blitzes free, GFIs twice and now he's on her. It's down to a 3+ dodge for the win. 2 - RR - 5. Score!
It was a great game up until my opponents Turn 16. He gets another lucky CAS (where were mine?!)... a mng. Not wanting to be down TWO girls, I apoth. Two more blocks left in the game, not a high probability for more debilitating CAS. What does Matsch do?! FOUL! How unsportsmanlike!? Turn 16, do him no good, I already used my apoth and he fouls! weak.”
Not only that, but my dice were pretty weak. Our Luck % was 47-49 pretty much the whole game.
1st Half. Mats stole the ball from me and scored on the defense. I barely got a return TD in on Turn 8. Caught an early CAS on my only remaining guarding blitzer. Should have put Iron Woman on her!
2nd Half. 1-1. I'm on defense. After a few bone crunching turns, I catch a lucky blitz on the ball handler. In his attempts to get it back, it bounces into the hands of Napalm. She runs off with it only to get blitzed and lose it again. A no RR pass attempt in a TZ fails miserably and it's a gang-swarm for the ball. Manko blitzes her way through the defense, picks it up and waits. Swarm Manko! Next turn, she dodges out and makes a completion to Allura who hauls tail for the EZ. The tackling Dragon Warrior blitzes free, GFIs twice and now he's on her. It's down to a 3+ dodge for the win. 2 - RR - 5. Score!
It was a great game up until my opponents Turn 16. He gets another lucky CAS (where were mine?!)... a mng. Not wanting to be down TWO girls, I apoth. Two more blocks left in the game, not a high probability for more debilitating CAS. What does Matsch do?! FOUL! How unsportsmanlike!? Turn 16, do him no good, I already used my apoth and he fouls! weak.”