“Good game against good coach. Feast and famine here for me. Both halves started badly with pitch invasions, rocks and ko's but in the end, Zamiatnia was able to sneak in for 2 TDs.
Tip of the hat to Gomez. he could've easily stalled through the second half which would have be a legitamite tactic. Instead he scored and Zam exploited a bad kick off and some good luck to tie. Of course, he could've scored so he could get some guys back on the field to beat up on... :)”
Tip of the hat to Gomez. he could've easily stalled through the second half which would have be a legitamite tactic. Instead he scored and Zam exploited a bad kick off and some good luck to tie. Of course, he could've scored so he could get some guys back on the field to beat up on... :)”