“DeMaio "I cannot believe we were beaten up by a team called...FRUIT STAND!!! Punishment is in order. Next game, our opponent decides which three must be on the LOS. And they MUST block whatever is in front of them."
But all was not lost today. Hail to DeMaio who again sneaks a TD passed all wood elves to learn the art of bazerker rage! Dauntless is he. No god, man, or beast is now immune to his hate.
And to Biondi, no rest within the blackness of Hades. His body lay broken upon the field, but his heart of rage shall never cool. Upon the power of the head collection, he shall rise again and bring forth the Arm of Death(TM) to terror the upperworld.
Take to thy chariots wanders of the earth. Seek forth glory or death! ”
But all was not lost today. Hail to DeMaio who again sneaks a TD passed all wood elves to learn the art of bazerker rage! Dauntless is he. No god, man, or beast is now immune to his hate.
And to Biondi, no rest within the blackness of Hades. His body lay broken upon the field, but his heart of rage shall never cool. Upon the power of the head collection, he shall rise again and bring forth the Arm of Death(TM) to terror the upperworld.
Take to thy chariots wanders of the earth. Seek forth glory or death!