The game was blessedly short of casualties on either side, and there was plenty of manovering for advantage on the Hibgoblin drives, as they tried to cage upfield. The Elves constantly trying to redirect the thrust of the cage by getting enough tackle zones in front each turn.
The extra strength of the Bulls and the Troll though just gave them enogh on both drives to take the ball the whole way.
On the High Elf drives it was purely a case of getting a couple of recievers upfield and attempting to get them free and a pass attempt.
One of the times it worked the other time there was need for some extrat effort to get the ball through the defence.
An entertaining game, with some unbelievable bad luck for the Elves early on with a few dodges failed in a row, but a late run of luck saw the balance somewhat restored.”
They clawed back a draw late in the second half.
The game was blessedly short of casualties on either side, and there was plenty of manovering for advantage on the Hibgoblin drives, as they tried to cage upfield. The Elves constantly trying to redirect the thrust of the cage by getting enough tackle zones in front each turn.
The extra strength of the Bulls and the Troll though just gave them enogh on both drives to take the ball the whole way.
On the High Elf drives it was purely a case of getting a couple of recievers upfield and attempting to get them free and a pass attempt.
One of the times it worked the other time there was need for some extrat effort to get the ball through the defence.
An entertaining game, with some unbelievable bad luck for the Elves early on with a few dodges failed in a row, but a late run of luck saw the balance somewhat restored.”