“Dirty fouling high elf indeed!
We washed before and during the match, infact we were thinking about washing our hands every time those dirty rats touched the ball. I do beleive we had one layer ko'd and insist he wash to dirty to come back on.
We resent the fact that fouling didn't have a capital F! ”
“Dirty fouling high elf well bring it on!
Skaven Old School faced worse and got injured even more!
A fun game witch the skaven controlled after stealing the ball early in first half and stalling it for a 1-0 lead at half time.
In second half the skavens scored quick for a 2-0 lead, but the elfs quickly returned the favors for 2-1 and a bit of positioning war was going on until the skavens went for it en turn 8 and made it 3-1!
Then we saw that even High Elfs are sore losers when they t16 fouled in top of the fouls made during the game!
Thanx for a fun match.
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We washed before and during the match, infact we were thinking about washing our hands every time those dirty rats touched the ball. I do beleive we had one layer ko'd and insist he wash to dirty to come back on.
We resent the fact that fouling didn't have a capital F!