“Middenheim Challenge 02/07 - Round 2
This match was just bizarre. Both coaches made terrible tactical efforts, and luck bounced in and out of the game in a way that made room for a lot of weird events. I started out unlucky, but Mully recieved one of the worst dice rapes I have ever witnessed towards the end of the match, missing about half if not more of all his stupidity rolls on the ogres, dodging himself to death with a goblin, stacking up skulls and generally just tormenting himself.
Mully had a golden position having scored a TD in the first half and then placing the ball in the safe hands of one of the ogres at the kick-off of the 2nd. I still can't understand how I managed to turn it around, but it was a fascinating ride in the land of freak rolls and weird decisions.
Neither me or Mully will likely look back on this match with much pride, but I'm at least happy that my oldest team have made it into their first tournament final.
Thanks for the match, Mully. It would have been more fair if the match was played between two focused coaches with average luck but ogre teams never seem to be able to get that, hehe. It's all or nothing. See you in future tournaments!”
This match was just bizarre. Both coaches made terrible tactical efforts, and luck bounced in and out of the game in a way that made room for a lot of weird events. I started out unlucky, but Mully recieved one of the worst dice rapes I have ever witnessed towards the end of the match, missing about half if not more of all his stupidity rolls on the ogres, dodging himself to death with a goblin, stacking up skulls and generally just tormenting himself.
Mully had a golden position having scored a TD in the first half and then placing the ball in the safe hands of one of the ogres at the kick-off of the 2nd. I still can't understand how I managed to turn it around, but it was a fascinating ride in the land of freak rolls and weird decisions.
Neither me or Mully will likely look back on this match with much pride, but I'm at least happy that my oldest team have made it into their first tournament final.
Thanks for the match, Mully. It would have been more fair if the match was played between two focused coaches with average luck but ogre teams never seem to be able to get that, hehe. It's all or nothing. See you in future tournaments!”