#13 Keeper of exil – Broken Ribs (MNG) #13 Keeper of exil – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“"Coach was upset. Sure, when they meet other teams, scoring is fine, but when we MEET NURGLE YOU MUST KILL! Thats how we get our sponsormoney, and how we make a name of ourselves. And when we had Get the ref, a dp on the pitch, COME ON! But the thralls were extremely happy. They had only one vamp as a help (yes, he did the first two tds, but still) and then they heat took him for the last drive, and we stole the ball from defence, 6 thralls vs 11 nurgled and SCORED. But coach was still upset... he knew his hard way to fame and fortune... he thought, but he didnt know how to realise it."
Thanks for a sweet game! Cya around!”
Thanks for a sweet game! Cya around!”