“After losing their last two matches, Hel's Hooligans finally could defeat an opponent again. Their main focus of their last training was more running, dodging and passing than on blood and carnage, which was gratefully rewarded in this game. The star of the game was doubtless Erik with his rush across almost the whole pitch to the second touchdown. Of course the artfully executed crowdpushes from the blitzers, namely Oli and Terje, is woth a mention here too. As there were 77'000 tickets sold for this match, the Hooligans are now proud to present their new source of steaks, hrm i mean their new Minotaur Frøsti. May he live long, and taste sweet with BBQ-sauce.
Bragi's Harp: 4
Hoenir's Boots: 8
Hel's Chosen: 0
Heimdal's Horn: 4
Spawn of Loki: 0
Tyr's Hand: 0
Ettin Slayer: 0
Gullenbursti The Golden Boar:4
Freya's Cat: 7
Thors Hammer: 0
Odin's Ravens: 0