“Screw you Nuffle and Screw the 'orse you rode in on!!!
Nothing, and I mean nothing, would go right this game
For starters the handicaps, I am the greatest, It wasnt me, and Morleys revenge up to three players, fortunately i guess it never took more than tow but overall I was with out for most of the game two claws, and either a surehanderbighands or gaurd tackler , and my Mno hurt himself turn 2 on a dbl skull block and you can probsably guess this game did not go the way i hoped.
I hate playing elfs
somehting like this happens it seems every time!!
and I couldnt get a pow to save meself
And my two ag 4 guys gave a very convincing imitation of Ag 1 guys, roilling 1's virtually everytinme they tried to do somethig with the ball. if it wasnt the guy picking it up it was the guy catching it . I hated this game. Hated it. i didnt relly do anyhtign wrong, its just that nothing worked. Nothing. Whilst for the elves, everyintng they did weith the ball was successful. didnt fail once. Not so hot on blocking and failed a dodge or tywo that was inconsequential tot he result but the ball work was exemplary.
Kudos to eagle, he took advantage handily of every stuff up me lads did. And got himself a nice win with plenty of Dosh and a good helping of SPP's
Nothing, and I mean nothing, would go right this game
For starters the handicaps, I am the greatest, It wasnt me, and Morleys revenge up to three players, fortunately i guess it never took more than tow but overall I was with out for most of the game two claws, and either a surehanderbighands or gaurd tackler , and my Mno hurt himself turn 2 on a dbl skull block and you can probsably guess this game did not go the way i hoped.
I hate playing elfs
somehting like this happens it seems every time!!
and I couldnt get a pow to save meself
And my two ag 4 guys gave a very convincing imitation of Ag 1 guys, roilling 1's virtually everytinme they tried to do somethig with the ball. if it wasnt the guy picking it up it was the guy catching it . I hated this game. Hated it. i didnt relly do anyhtign wrong, its just that nothing worked. Nothing. Whilst for the elves, everyintng they did weith the ball was successful. didnt fail once. Not so hot on blocking and failed a dodge or tywo that was inconsequential tot he result but the ball work was exemplary.
Kudos to eagle, he took advantage handily of every stuff up me lads did. And got himself a nice win with plenty of Dosh and a good helping of SPP's
Well done Eagle, well played by you. ”