“Note TR difference mainly due to the Glory having 260K more in the bank than the Emeralds and luck reading out as the game got lagged out and had to be reloaded.
Wow what a bizarre game. The Glory looked to be in a commanding position early on defence when a Hobgoblin Gishlop One-Eye badly hurt an experienced Blitzer (had Guard) early and then his team mates knocked out a Black Orc Blocker.
The Emeralds pushed down the right flank, but a fireball by the Glory's freebooted wizard allowed the Glory to push ball carrier out of bounds. To the amazement of all, the crowd threw the ball to the middle of the pitch where it was caught by Emeralds Blitzer Hunter Kruga. Kruga was quickly surrounded by two Bull Centaurs but he managed to dodge his way out and sprint his way into the endzone for a score. (This was a very funny and enjoyable passage of play hehe).
The Emeralds then played tight defence despite getting more players knocked out to almost prevent the Glory from scoring an equaliser. As it was it took a short pass from Hobbo Slurrpa Smashnose to the agile Bull Centaur Tzor Larkron Ironfist (AG4) who caught the ball despite an Emerald defender putting a hand in his face, and dodged away to run in a TD (with one GFI). (This was also a lucky passage of play as I had no rerolls left!).
In the second half, the Glory dominated as the Emeralds forgot to put their armour on! Player after player got knocked out at the slightest of touches. The Glory were able to score once and then on defence steal the ball and score again.
My opponent didn't really have much of a chance today. Apart from two occasions where I rolled a Skull on a single dice block and wasted a RR on to get another Skull, I easily made more than my fair share of GFI to set up players where I wanted them the whole match. Also had insane armour rolls KOing his players with regularity, including my Hobbo blitzing his Ogre with 3 assists to knock him out stone cold.
With so few on the pitch there was not much that the Emeralds could do, with their two Throw Team Mate attempts also failing.
Condolences to my opponent who had to put up with my insane armour rolls yet played on without too much whining about the luck. ”
Wow what a bizarre game. The Glory looked to be in a commanding position early on defence when a Hobgoblin Gishlop One-Eye badly hurt an experienced Blitzer (had Guard) early and then his team mates knocked out a Black Orc Blocker.
The Emeralds pushed down the right flank, but a fireball by the Glory's freebooted wizard allowed the Glory to push ball carrier out of bounds. To the amazement of all, the crowd threw the ball to the middle of the pitch where it was caught by Emeralds Blitzer Hunter Kruga. Kruga was quickly surrounded by two Bull Centaurs but he managed to dodge his way out and sprint his way into the endzone for a score. (This was a very funny and enjoyable passage of play hehe).
The Emeralds then played tight defence despite getting more players knocked out to almost prevent the Glory from scoring an equaliser. As it was it took a short pass from Hobbo Slurrpa Smashnose to the agile Bull Centaur Tzor Larkron Ironfist (AG4) who caught the ball despite an Emerald defender putting a hand in his face, and dodged away to run in a TD (with one GFI). (This was also a lucky passage of play as I had no rerolls left!).
In the second half, the Glory dominated as the Emeralds forgot to put their armour on! Player after player got knocked out at the slightest of touches. The Glory were able to score once and then on defence steal the ball and score again.
My opponent didn't really have much of a chance today. Apart from two occasions where I rolled a Skull on a single dice block and wasted a RR on to get another Skull, I easily made more than my fair share of GFI to set up players where I wanted them the whole match. Also had insane armour rolls KOing his players with regularity, including my Hobbo blitzing his Ogre with 3 assists to knock him out stone cold.
With so few on the pitch there was not much that the Emeralds could do, with their two Throw Team Mate attempts also failing.
Condolences to my opponent who had to put up with my insane armour rolls yet played on without too much whining about the luck. ”