“Well It looked well and good, but why not play as we did in the last orc game? To break an armor seemed to be very difficult and handle the ball even more. Hopefully 2nd half would be better, but oh boy no.
At Freebootaz 3th goal, the Coach threaten the whole team and someone have leaked this out:
ARGH, GRRR, GRUMP. Hylixk hjulak gklozxp ikloaz BOOTCAMP gjuop azthiz thigha GFI thpoutz fghiolz SNOW klopz ujkliz
To those that dont understand Rotters language here is a translation:
ARGH, GRR, GRUMP. You play like Goblins in a ratpie and will be send to a Bootcamp because you all cant make a simple GFI. Yeah that is right you all are going to be send to a Snow country.
Well the weather god was with Nurgle's Legion and a suddenly the field was covered in heat. The team did not want to go to a snow country, so a breakthrough in the middle of the orc team defence and a TD it is. The Orc placed their players on the field and wanted again to make a 4TD, but some quick moves and a beastman run down the field and made his GFI's.
He might have remembered what the Coach had said to him
Jokaero Thanks for the match, a rematch sometime after my Nurgle's Legion have been through a Bootcamp in Norsca. ”
At Freebootaz 3th goal, the Coach threaten the whole team and someone have leaked this out:
ARGH, GRRR, GRUMP. Hylixk hjulak gklozxp ikloaz BOOTCAMP gjuop azthiz thigha GFI thpoutz fghiolz SNOW klopz ujkliz
To those that dont understand Rotters language here is a translation:
ARGH, GRR, GRUMP. You play like Goblins in a ratpie and will be send to a Bootcamp because you all cant make a simple GFI. Yeah that is right you all are going to be send to a Snow country.
Well the weather god was with Nurgle's Legion and a suddenly the field was covered in heat. The team did not want to go to a snow country, so a breakthrough in the middle of the orc team defence and a TD it is. The Orc placed their players on the field and wanted again to make a 4TD, but some quick moves and a beastman run down the field and made his GFI's.
He might have remembered what the Coach had said to him
Jokaero Thanks for the match, a rematch sometime after my Nurgle's Legion have been through a Bootcamp in Norsca. ”