“4th game in a row when dices were all against me. It improved in second half when I actually knocked some WE down and injured them. But it was too late then, could not catch up to the lead from first half.
Still, I was so happy, no injury for me, got 4 skills, and then what? Ageing for 2nd (niggling for my witch) and 1st skill (-AG on lino). Wow, LRB5 where are you???
Sigh, recovery, again, I do not think this word has a meaning...
Good luck with your team, Baffer. And thx for the match.
Cu for a rematch! ”
Still, I was so happy, no injury for me, got 4 skills, and then what? Ageing for 2nd (niggling for my witch) and 1st skill (-AG on lino). Wow, LRB5 where are you???
Sigh, recovery, again, I do not think this word has a meaning...
Good luck with your team, Baffer. And thx for the match.
Cu for a rematch!