“The Orcania Orcas began their campaign with a 3-2 win over the "Vampyres" of first round Exits.
The game began with the Vamps receiving. The orcs hit hard, pushing a sole blitzer down field to pressure the Vampire ballcarrier. The vamp sneered superiorly at the lone orcs, and threw the ball over its head to another vamp - but wait! The blitzer rose majestically, elf-like (boo!), plucking the ball out of its arc of flight. Laughing gutterally, he ran the last 6 paces to score. 1-0.
After this stunning start, it became business as usual for the Orcas, KOing thralls and delaying vamps, as they went on to lead 2-1 at the half, then 3-1 after T4 of the second half. A consolation TD in T6 for the vamps made the last 2 turns interesting, but it was too much for the noble night-stalkers to recover from.
Two orcs learned much from the game, a Blizter learning the mysterious arts of tackling, and a thrower increasing his running speed.
GL in the next games PD>”
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The game began with the Vamps receiving. The orcs hit hard, pushing a sole blitzer down field to pressure the Vampire ballcarrier. The vamp sneered superiorly at the lone orcs, and threw the ball over its head to another vamp - but wait! The blitzer rose majestically, elf-like (boo!), plucking the ball out of its arc of flight. Laughing gutterally, he ran the last 6 paces to score. 1-0.
After this stunning start, it became business as usual for the Orcas, KOing thralls and delaying vamps, as they went on to lead 2-1 at the half, then 3-1 after T4 of the second half. A consolation TD in T6 for the vamps made the last 2 turns interesting, but it was too much for the noble night-stalkers to recover from.
Two orcs learned much from the game, a Blizter learning the mysterious arts of tackling, and a thrower increasing his running speed.
GL in the next games PD>”