“The premiere of season 3 started of with 2 of division 2's strongest teams (probably amongst the strongest in all of PubBowl). No question that at least one, probably both of these teams will end up in the top 3 this season.
In the 2 first turns of the game, a total of 4 players were removed from the pitch - 2 on each team. The injuries favoured Cave Inn and the team's 2 suffered injuries were only KO, Murray Arms on the other hand got 2 players BH/MNG. With skill and some luck Murray Arms managed to keep up with Cave Inn to 2-2 but after that the 3 players left in Murray Arms could not stop Cave Inn from pulling away and winning the game by 4-2.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
I agree with Kemimutt's report. Was a good game :D”