“The Curse lives on in another ugly loss for the Wives against a fragile, but determined Soft Fruit. Kudos to Coach Lo for an excellently coached game, well deserving of the victory.
On the Wives' side Nancy Zug was on a rampage, but so was Nuffle with the match being Lonnie Chaney's last bringing the tally to three dead Wives in the last two matches.
The depleted Wives side simply couldn't deal with the speed of the Skaven and Coach Lo used that to his utmost advantage. congrats!
On the Wives' side Nancy Zug was on a rampage, but so was Nuffle with the match being Lonnie Chaney's last bringing the tally to three dead Wives in the last two matches.
The depleted Wives side simply couldn't deal with the speed of the Skaven and Coach Lo used that to his utmost advantage. congrats!