“Ravaged by the previous match, Embrace the Wind entered the match with only 9 healthy players...Morley's revenge reduced that number to 8 for all but 1 drive. To add more insult to injury in the first (very short) drive, 2 of the top amazon players were knocked out and stayed out for the rest of the match. So essentially, it was 6 girls against the horde of beastman. The results were predictable as the beastman overwhelmed and scored...and scored...and scored. Of course, partway through the match, a realization that without some dirty means, the amazons stood no chance at all...so Storm unleashed her kicks. The Beast was KOed (and stayed out all game), then a beastman was badly hurt, then the beastman with a claw was badly hurt, then another beastman was KOed. The ref caught the last two fouls...however after arguing he let her go for a turn. Overall, the girls really started clicking in the second half and playing with spirit - energized by Storm's fouls. However, in the end, it was only good enough for a token TD at the conclusion of the game. However, perhaps something to build on for the future.
A fun, if not edge of chair exciting, match. Thanks!”
A fun, if not edge of chair exciting, match. Thanks!”