“A very enjoyable match! Started the game with only 10 rats, quickly made 9 by a first-turn cas from his claw thrower. With the team DP killed last match, we couldn't get more than a couple ko's and a stun or two despite GTR with the opening kickoff, so our SV took matters into his own paws with twin cas.
It looked for much of the match like his uber-gutters would prove the difference, though a creative multi-chainpush on his sidestep gutters was poetic, if fruitless. Play of the day came when H'sam dodged through tz's to niggle his DP and score in one breath.
Game turned when he failed to pickup the ball right next to the LOS. I advanced the ball forward, he stripball stole it, but the resulting pass was too long for him to complete. A likely 4-3 win for him became a 4-3 win for me instead. Cash enough for a new gutter and lino, and the team's finally back up to 12 players!!!
It looked for much of the match like his uber-gutters would prove the difference, though a creative multi-chainpush on his sidestep gutters was poetic, if fruitless. Play of the day came when H'sam dodged through tz's to niggle his DP and score in one breath.
Game turned when he failed to pickup the ball right next to the LOS. I advanced the ball forward, he stripball stole it, but the resulting pass was too long for him to complete. A likely 4-3 win for him became a 4-3 win for me instead. Cash enough for a new gutter and lino, and the team's finally back up to 12 players!!!
Wonderful match, rematch at your leisure!”