“A tough game indeed since the luck was 37% to 61% and my opponent fouled the shit out of me. The fouls resulted in 3 CAS and the coach Baron_Patron had a short comment to the medias after the game:
The team did well and there was nothing they could to stop the heavy fouling which kind of left the game boring since nobody really got any ssps or anything like it. Neither did none of the elf-teams showed their great ballhandling and this could have turned into a foul game where the teams would have been left devestated. Disappointment is all I can say......”
The team did well and there was nothing they could to stop the heavy fouling which kind of left the game boring since nobody really got any ssps or anything like it. Neither did none of the elf-teams showed their great ballhandling and this could have turned into a foul game where the teams would have been left devestated. Disappointment is all I can say......”