“My first attempt at a smack and when i saw i was in a mirror match i knew it was gonna be hard.
lost my only dp to the ref on a failed first turn attempt to remove a black orc and didnt get another foul in after that.
most of the game looked like a scrum with both teams all piling in to get the ball and dirtybrians superior number of gaurds really shone through.
a very fun game and a well deserved win for my opponent.
got me another dp and another black orc after the game so im pretty happy :)”
lost my only dp to the ref on a failed first turn attempt to remove a black orc and didnt get another foul in after that.
most of the game looked like a scrum with both teams all piling in to get the ball and dirtybrians superior number of gaurds really shone through.
a very fun game and a well deserved win for my opponent.
got me another dp and another black orc after the game so im pretty happy :)”