“Da' tyym cocha - Kop'da'Kat:
"Who tolda, da haih elfs are da fasta? We scord da firzt, we hit da bezt. Da high dudes all two half tried to pass throughh our tadzdown, aber da balz was probably to harda, they standa with surrounda all till last turn and finally scored, but our iran gobba flew high in da rain and landed and run and drawed da game.. we are da masterz"
Da'tyymz chaman - Ork'a'torg:
"Dats' damnz da bookz, we got sam magyk kalled MEDYCIN, but dat's da elf dung, not worth to ready, so i just chopd off, da few fingerz from da Ostap Ugolnik comrad and he will be fain after week o so"
"Who tolda, da haih elfs are da fasta? We scord da firzt, we hit da bezt. Da high dudes all two half tried to pass throughh our tadzdown, aber da balz was probably to harda, they standa with surrounda all till last turn and finally scored, but our iran gobba flew high in da rain and landed and run and drawed da game.. we are da masterz"
Da'tyymz chaman - Ork'a'torg:
"Dats' damnz da bookz, we got sam magyk kalled MEDYCIN, but dat's da elf dung, not worth to ready, so i just chopd off, da few fingerz from da Ostap Ugolnik comrad and he will be fain after week o so"