“The rain pounding down at the start of the match was a good sign. Being cold-blooded, rain makes the team very irritable. And then that thing, that thing that really makes them elevate their level of play, it happened again. We got government sanction for unlimited Voight-Kampf tests for the first half.
I love what that does for the team. The gleam was in their eye, that mean streak that said they weren't going to waste the opportunity. I called down to the sidelines and told the coach to get them for Phil. And they didn't disappoint.
Bodies flew everywhere - Tyrell got us going on the right foot by retiring the replicant designated 'blackish' after a Voight-Kampf, unfortunately for him he didn't do such a good job of making sure it stuck, so the replicant got patched back together. Other team members that got in some good testing were Hannibal, Voight-Kampf himself, and Roy Baty, with two.
Though the opposition was really thin on the ground, the rain kept us in our backfield the entire half. The ball bounced about, soaked in mud, and no one could keep a hand on it.
By the second half, though, we'd sorted things out. Their numbers were so few we just swamped them and swept in for the score. When we kicked to them, they messed up their play at the line and again we swamped them, grabbed the ball, protected the carrier and took care of business near the line of scrimmage.
Shame that the retirement didn't stick, but we made our point and made it well. Time to celebrate.”
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I love what that does for the team. The gleam was in their eye, that mean streak that said they weren't going to waste the opportunity. I called down to the sidelines and told the coach to get them for Phil. And they didn't disappoint.
Bodies flew everywhere - Tyrell got us going on the right foot by retiring the replicant designated 'blackish' after a Voight-Kampf, unfortunately for him he didn't do such a good job of making sure it stuck, so the replicant got patched back together. Other team members that got in some good testing were Hannibal, Voight-Kampf himself, and Roy Baty, with two.
Though the opposition was really thin on the ground, the rain kept us in our backfield the entire half. The ball bounced about, soaked in mud, and no one could keep a hand on it.
By the second half, though, we'd sorted things out. Their numbers were so few we just swamped them and swept in for the score. When we kicked to them, they messed up their play at the line and again we swamped them, grabbed the ball, protected the carrier and took care of business near the line of scrimmage.
Shame that the retirement didn't stick, but we made our point and made it well. Time to celebrate.”