“Blutballas Cup Round 1
The Gang is back! After 1 and a half year of punishment and training the Trainer decided they were ready to come back to the field and their tourney. Two first game outs in Cup X and XI forced the management to radical changes.
Many fans lost the contact to the team so only few managed to visit the game -> bad press
Jim Hacker legs hurted too much, so he wasn't set on the roaster for the match.
The game started with the Winfos in the offense, slowly moving forward. Light injuries on both sides and then the Hitmens started a great defense play, forcing the Gang to take some risks, Nobby Holder managed to get his hands on the ball and throwing a marvoules pass to Cyrus Havoc for the leading touchdown.
The fast advance of the the Gang in the last draining turns of the first half was stopped by a good Hochland defence and the wild Beast Benni.
In the half time pause the coach used hard words remembering the team of the hard times in the past 1 1/2 years and with new hope Winfo Gang started their defense. It was not the ball playing game that decided this half and the overtime, it was the hitting. With six player in the injurie box - Bill Stalker was safed by the healers from the death - and two catchers in the KO Box, Hochland had no chance to stop the Gang from scoring in turn 8 of the second half.
With their numbers the overtime was an easy win.
We are back! Now Khemri, we still have some grudes to solve, so beware...
Thanks Cyrus-Havoc for a nice game with good chatting, you did a marvelous first half. But the cas luck decided the game in the overtime. See you next cup.
The Gang is back! After 1 and a half year of punishment and training the Trainer decided they were ready to come back to the field and their tourney. Two first game outs in Cup X and XI forced the management to radical changes.
Many fans lost the contact to the team so only few managed to visit the game -> bad press
Jim Hacker legs hurted too much, so he wasn't set on the roaster for the match.
The game started with the Winfos in the offense, slowly moving forward. Light injuries on both sides and then the Hitmens started a great defense play, forcing the Gang to take some risks, Nobby Holder managed to get his hands on the ball and throwing a marvoules pass to Cyrus Havoc for the leading touchdown.
The fast advance of the the Gang in the last draining turns of the first half was stopped by a good Hochland defence and the wild Beast Benni.
In the half time pause the coach used hard words remembering the team of the hard times in the past 1 1/2 years and with new hope Winfo Gang started their defense. It was not the ball playing game that decided this half and the overtime, it was the hitting. With six player in the injurie box - Bill Stalker was safed by the healers from the death - and two catchers in the KO Box, Hochland had no chance to stop the Gang from scoring in turn 8 of the second half.
With their numbers the overtime was an easy win.
We are back! Now Khemri, we still have some grudes to solve, so beware...
Thanks Cyrus-Havoc for a nice game with good chatting, you did a marvelous first half. But the cas luck decided the game in the overtime. See you next cup.