Handicaps were Ironman, Drugs, and Doom&Gloom. The first two went to my sole tackler.
First half had me receiving, with a fairly disappointing first turn followed by some of Jokaero's disappointing turns. Eventually it turned out that our fouls didn't do much. My punching did hurt them a great big deal while receiving almost nothing in return. Guess the luck was there. :)
Didn't think I'd win this one!
Handicaps were Ironman, Drugs, and Doom&Gloom. The first two went to my sole tackler.
First half had me receiving, with a fairly disappointing first turn followed by some of Jokaero's disappointing turns. Eventually it turned out that our fouls didn't do much. My punching did hurt them a great big deal while receiving almost nothing in return. Guess the luck was there. :)
Thanks for the game, and til the next time!”