“The 'Flees finally lived up to the premise the team was built around, speed, good defence and intecepting anything that went in the air, managing 4 interceptions in the match, 2 each for Conspicutio and Tengin, both of conspicutios in opposition half and ran immediately in for TDs, Tengin in a sweeper role never really getting near end zone. The elven thrower looked angry at himself for these throws and looks like he will be planning to learn how to throw the ball more safely. A good natured game with ref intimidation not being taken advantage of and no permanent damage to either team, the re-match should it ever happen im sure will be a closer scoreline, the gates im sure will be huge for that when it rolls around. A huge 13 SPPs for Conspicution, the Horned rat was surely looking down on him today.”
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