“"Ball? What ball? I dont care about that. Im only here for the BBQ after the game."
"Huh? Yeah i was running downfield. No Of course not to score. I saw a tasty wardancer in the crowd and went of for a snack"
-There u have it folks. After getting a short talk to General Rox Autch that cost Raziz the game this was all he had to say. After all, how hard could it be to catch a parfect pass like that...Oh wait...here comes Head Coach Muttesmutte
- Mutyesmutte, could we have a short comment on the game?
- Well yeah. It was a very close game but we didnt have the margins on our side today. Well played by the greenskins though and KK773 sure made them work out there today. A great coach and a great team.
- what about General Rox Autch and his fumble in the end of second half?
- I have always had my doubts about about him but when his uncle, The Dark Prince himself, comes knocking and asks if Rox can play who can say no. But i have to go now and prepare the General...erhh...i mean the the meat for the BBQ later.
- That was all for toni...no here we have Komir. Komir Komir can i have a word?
- Rauch trenit axnoch!
- Yes u were voted MVP and made an amazing job out there, what do u have to say about the game?
- Om ertj xerni BBQ General Rox Autch yum yum!
- Well i wont keep u from the party Komir. Great play and good luck with the team.
Now that was all for tonight where we have seen a great game between "Raziz" and "Da Dead ´Ard3" where the green guys walked away with the victory after alot of action and not enough blood. We congratulate them to the win and go back to the studio. This is Bob signing out. Good night and let the party begin.”
"Huh? Yeah i was running downfield. No Of course not to score. I saw a tasty wardancer in the crowd and went of for a snack"
-There u have it folks. After getting a short talk to General Rox Autch that cost Raziz the game this was all he had to say. After all, how hard could it be to catch a parfect pass like that...Oh wait...here comes Head Coach Muttesmutte
- Mutyesmutte, could we have a short comment on the game?
- Well yeah. It was a very close game but we didnt have the margins on our side today. Well played by the greenskins though and KK773 sure made them work out there today. A great coach and a great team.
- what about General Rox Autch and his fumble in the end of second half?
- I have always had my doubts about about him but when his uncle, The Dark Prince himself, comes knocking and asks if Rox can play who can say no. But i have to go now and prepare the General...erhh...i mean the the meat for the BBQ later.
- That was all for toni...no here we have Komir. Komir Komir can i have a word?
- Rauch trenit axnoch!
- Yes u were voted MVP and made an amazing job out there, what do u have to say about the game?
- Om ertj xerni BBQ General Rox Autch yum yum!
- Well i wont keep u from the party Komir. Great play and good luck with the team.
Now that was all for tonight where we have seen a great game between "Raziz" and "Da Dead ´Ard3" where the green guys walked away with the victory after alot of action and not enough blood. We congratulate them to the win and go back to the studio. This is Bob signing out. Good night and let the party begin.”