“A game full of surprises, It seemd at first that the Union of flesh and steel just couldnt get into the groove, an early death and the skaven were all over the khemrian lords, no matter how hard they tried to stop them the skaven slipped through scoring again and again. Even the much vaunted Union mummies were lacklustre, potentially had the skaven stolen gromril metal from the dwarves to make there armour? Ultimately the game was a loss for The union, despite a valiant final drive, it seemed as if the khemri had finally found weaknesses in the skavens armour, and they dropped like flies. however to no avail. Despite being a tough match for both teams in the end, it was good natured, and a joy to play, I will look out for Buur in future”
#2 Rator the Packlord – Smashed Hip (-MA) #10 Rictus Mors – Broken Ribs (MNG) #10 Rictus Mors – Smashed Knee (NI) #16 Spawn the Slayer – Smashed Hip (-MA)
“After an early kill for the blitz-ra Heru-Ur, it looked like at rather comfortable match especialy when the other blitz-ra Missed rest of the match (and next) and the armor of the skaven holded to the ever ongoin punding by the Mummies...
But ind the end when the game was in the bag the skavens took it to easy and suddenly everyboddy got hurt!
Thanx for a fun match cu round...
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