C'mon you useless gits. Ya killed one measly elf, and expect to be paid for it? He was a cripple anyway, even a gobbo coulda done a better job of it than that. What were you thinking?
With several key players missing for the match, the girls were demoralised from the start. And their lousy efforts to hurt elves were largely unrewarded. That, combined with a series of tactical blunders left them in no shape to win the match. They were exceptionally lucky to even get the one touchdown that they did get.
The first half saw a messy offence with multiple shots at the ball carrier, but somehow, Loony Tossa pulled through with a touchdown in turn 8. Unfortunately, the messy attack also meant that the wood elves had been able to hang back, and took virtually no damage - on KO, and the death (apoth was used to bring Mikey to the match).
The second half was little better. The WDDs had no trouble getting a touchdown, some small risks, and I did get a 1d hit on the ball carrier, but nothing that would have really caused them any grief (even if it had worked).
We had the time for a second touchdown, but once again, a disorganised attack left us with no opportunities, and Bone Krasha, still a little shaken from her injuries was not good enough to hold onto the ball. The following turn saw us mess up a series of crucial blocks, and from there it was game over. The elves were too fast, and Van B too agile to give us a chance.
Once again, the WDDs have made a mockery of the ladies of the SWL, with a comfortable 2-1 win, and hardly a scratch to show for it. Granted I had 3 key players missing, but that's no excuse for the poor coaching that erik (being an actual good coach) had no trouble taking advantage of.
We were out-done on all fronts - speed, agility, and strength. And more importantly, skill.
Nicely done erik, and if demoted, I look forward to one day killing some of your wood elves in the conferences ... or at least, trying to...
------------------- Twahnlow Votes -------------------
3 pts - #12 Mikey the Bikey
Armed with his performance enhancing drugs, Mikey was a crucial part of the Double's lineup for this match. As their only tackler, he had quite a job to do, and he did it well. Despite struggling to take down Loony Tossa in the first half, he didn't give up, and made his mark in the second half with a crucial blitz to extract the ball from a poorly formed cage. Definitely the man of the match.
2 pts - #16 Van B
A strong thrower, Van is also a crucial part of the Double's lineup. He was never really in any trouble, and filled his role with little effort making perfect passes every time.
1 pt - #15 Jenny B
ST7 tree - maybe wasn't the most important player on the field, but she did make it a lot harder for us to get decent hits in. She also inflicted a casualty, and didn't mess anything up too much (which is what big-guys are supposed to be for :P)”
“In the middle of a 3 game losing streak is not normaly a good time to come up against Laviak's mighty Zons. However the Woodies have a good record against the She Orcs and they were looking a little worse for wear getting a pumelling from SWL Predators the round prior.
Mikey the Bikey turned up the game as high as a kite after ingesting almost an enitre pharmacy. Mikey always plays a vital role for the Woodies against the Zons so the Medical team used up all their supplies in an atempt to get him match ready.
Mikey was good to go by kickoff and in amongst the rainbow of Drugs hehad taken were some potent Steroids which left him with super human strength.
The match started brightly for the WDDs and they had the Orcs on the back foot. Mikey got a couple of free hits on the ball carrier but it looked like he was still suffering from his come down. Looney Tosser managed to dodge away from everything thrown at him untill the rookie G.I. Leafy knocked her over just as she was about to cross the line. Woodies swarmed in to try to keep her down but to no avail. Hed Splitta crushed Huchy to the ground and Loony should her class by divining on the loose ball to make it 1-0 at half time.
1-0 down and looked like the WDDs season was over. They should a bit more life on offence G.I. Leafy was tossing the ball around back play as the Woodies receivers were running from left to right. Finally a gap opened and Van B picked out Crowlockasaurus for his first ever SWL touchdown. 1-1
With the season on the line the Men of Wood had every thing to play for. Some solid defending managed to slow the W.F.W.O offence down and Mikey finally got his act together. He managed to knock the ball loose from Bone Krasha with support from the rest of the team managed to tie it up on the side line. The Elves defended their position long enough for Van B to dart in and ofload to Mr Murray who ran as fast as he legs could take him. A cover tackle by Dammo which saw Looney Tooser finally get what he deserved left Mr Murray free in open space. He jogged over for the winning TD to keep the Woodies hopes of avoiding relegation alive.
3pts: Looney Tosser - Took everything that was thrown at her in the first half and then when he did knock her over she sprang back up like a Jack in the Box to get the score.
2pts: Hed Splitta - Killed the 2nd last remaining original Woody and was also bloody annoying with SS and DT
1pt: Bone Krasha - A solid game but not outstanding. Added some much needed strength to the Zons running game
I would like to give a speical mention to Platypus and his band of merry orcs for whom without their support this win would not have been possible.
Cheers for game Lav I always look forward to the tough match you provide mate. Good luck for the rest of the season.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
C'mon you useless gits. Ya killed one measly elf, and expect to be paid for it? He was a cripple anyway, even a gobbo coulda done a better job of it than that. What were you thinking?
With several key players missing for the match, the girls were demoralised from the start. And their lousy efforts to hurt elves were largely unrewarded. That, combined with a series of tactical blunders left them in no shape to win the match. They were exceptionally lucky to even get the one touchdown that they did get.
The first half saw a messy offence with multiple shots at the ball carrier, but somehow, Loony Tossa pulled through with a touchdown in turn 8. Unfortunately, the messy attack also meant that the wood elves had been able to hang back, and took virtually no damage - on KO, and the death (apoth was used to bring Mikey to the match).
The second half was little better. The WDDs had no trouble getting a touchdown, some small risks, and I did get a 1d hit on the ball carrier, but nothing that would have really caused them any grief (even if it had worked).
We had the time for a second touchdown, but once again, a disorganised attack left us with no opportunities, and Bone Krasha, still a little shaken from her injuries was not good enough to hold onto the ball. The following turn saw us mess up a series of crucial blocks, and from there it was game over. The elves were too fast, and Van B too agile to give us a chance.
Once again, the WDDs have made a mockery of the ladies of the SWL, with a comfortable 2-1 win, and hardly a scratch to show for it. Granted I had 3 key players missing, but that's no excuse for the poor coaching that erik (being an actual good coach) had no trouble taking advantage of.
We were out-done on all fronts - speed, agility, and strength. And more importantly, skill.
Nicely done erik, and if demoted, I look forward to one day killing some of your wood elves in the conferences ... or at least, trying to...
------------------- Twahnlow Votes -------------------
3 pts - #12 Mikey the Bikey
Armed with his performance enhancing drugs, Mikey was a crucial part of the Double's lineup for this match. As their only tackler, he had quite a job to do, and he did it well. Despite struggling to take down Loony Tossa in the first half, he didn't give up, and made his mark in the second half with a crucial blitz to extract the ball from a poorly formed cage. Definitely the man of the match.
2 pts - #16 Van B
A strong thrower, Van is also a crucial part of the Double's lineup. He was never really in any trouble, and filled his role with little effort making perfect passes every time.
1 pt - #15 Jenny B
ST7 tree - maybe wasn't the most important player on the field, but she did make it a lot harder for us to get decent hits in. She also inflicted a casualty, and didn't mess anything up too much (which is what big-guys are supposed to be for :P)”