“Game 1500! Sounds huge...so why not use our highest ranked teams? Well I knew all those guards and st4 players would be a problem...but after all was said and done...game on!
After a fast BH I was sure most of my team would end up in the cas-boxes...but thank god??!! for blodge and a lack of tacklers against. =) No more cas in the game...only KO's and stunned...where none was made by my team =)
We have played a fair amount of games vs each other and they're often close calls...this was no different. That TTM was annoying...and in 2nd half nuffle decided none was to win. I had some of opportunities to get the ball and score a 2nd TD...but then nuffle gave me 1 every time! =)
Maybe the tie was a correct ending...but hey all fans...don't give up on the team!
“I saw that Ludicruz was going to play his 600th game soon, and suggested that it would be fun if he played me. We agreed on playing when he was to play his 600th game, when he saw that I was soon to play my 900th game. And we thought it would be fun idea to play the 1500th game together.
Said and done, now the teams where to be selected. Finally we agreed on playing with our highest ranked teams, though he feared the cas he would suffer. (=P)
It was a fun game, though played in pouring rain, and both TDs where made in the first half. We started off with a BH first turn and after that, non of us did a single cas. Just some lucky stunns. Besides that, nothing.
In the end of first half we managed to pull a Throw Team Mate for 1-1.
Second haft was a bit slower, though, we both had some good chances, I got to say Ludicruz was much closer to scoring then me. But you can roll 1 on every dodge if you want to win... =P
Thanks for a fun game after all, good luck with your team and hope to meet them again...”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
After a fast BH I was sure most of my team would end up in the cas-boxes...but thank god??!! for blodge and a lack of tacklers against. =) No more cas in the game...only KO's and stunned...where none was made by my team =)
We have played a fair amount of games vs each other and they're often close calls...this was no different. That TTM was annoying...and in 2nd half nuffle decided none was to win. I had some of opportunities to get the ball and score a 2nd TD...but then nuffle gave me 1 every time! =)
Maybe the tie was a correct ending...but hey all fans...don't give up on the team!
Take care Cyco and we'll meet again!”