Peikko will strongly disagree but IMO his incredibly hot dice rolling in the 1st half determined the outcome of this one.
Before the even game starts my DP pulls up like a puss leaving me at a disadvantage since he has a DP (and used him). I receive the KO, blitz, great :(.
Player with PO gets fouled and BH 2nd turn. Ref throws him out, he successfully argues, great :((
I manage to move down the field short on players. Peikko makes 4-5 successfull dodges WITHOUT using a reroll to set up a 1 die block on my blodger, POW, badly hurt, great :(((.
At this point, I said FUCK IT and mentally checked out. Peikko's luck was over 70% and although he had average luck the rest of the game, the damage had been done.
The rest of the game is me playing short handed, getting fouled, getting injured, losing the ball, etc. After his DP finally got sent off after his 3rd-4th foul I felt like jumping on the nuts of his STR4 player, but that definitely would have been a move born out of frustration. And as pissed as I may have been (at the game) I try to refrain from those type of dickhead moves.
In the end I would have appreciated not getting fouled (at all) with the game well in hand but wouldn't go as far to call them cheap or malicious.
Anyway, 2 straight games where AV was pierced like warm butter. These Norse better straighten themselves up, they're starting to piss me off.
(PS - Note correction above - Thank god I wasn't playing Wuhan)
(PSS - When things are going bad and you have only 7 guys it always SEEMS worse than it is.)
Peikko will strongly disagree but IMO his incredibly hot dice rolling in the 1st half determined the outcome of this one.
Before the even game starts my DP pulls up like a puss leaving me at a disadvantage since he has a DP (and used him). I receive the KO, blitz, great :(.
Player with PO gets fouled and BH 2nd turn. Ref throws him out, he successfully argues, great :((
I manage to move down the field short on players. Peikko makes 4-5 successfull dodges WITHOUT using a reroll to set up a 1 die block on my blodger, POW, badly hurt, great :(((.
At this point, I said FUCK IT and mentally checked out. Peikko's luck was over 70% and although he had average luck the rest of the game, the damage had been done.
The rest of the game is me playing short handed, getting fouled, getting injured, losing the ball, etc. After his DP finally got sent off after his 3rd-4th foul I felt like jumping on the nuts of his STR4 player, but that definitely would have been a move born out of frustration. And as pissed as I may have been (at the game) I try to refrain from those type of dickhead moves.
In the end I would have appreciated not getting fouled (at all) with the game well in hand but wouldn't go as far to call them cheap or malicious.
Anyway, 2 straight games where AV was pierced like warm butter. These Norse better straighten themselves up, they're starting to piss me off.
(PS - Note correction above - Thank god I wasn't playing Wuhan)
(PSS - When things are going bad and you have only 7 guys it always SEEMS worse than it is.)