“An all zombie & skeleton undead team? I'll take it.
Both of the casualties I got came on the foul, when I rushed deep there was no way for the slow-moving undead to get back far enough to stop me or put enough tackle zones around me to stop the catchers and their nerves of steel. However, the weight of numbers meant that I could not hold out for a shutout... Oh well, can't have everything.
Valen was a good sport, so despite the foul-fest on both sides of the pitch, the game was played with a friendly tone.
Both of the casualties I got came on the foul, when I rushed deep there was no way for the slow-moving undead to get back far enough to stop me or put enough tackle zones around me to stop the catchers and their nerves of steel. However, the weight of numbers meant that I could not hold out for a shutout... Oh well, can't have everything.
Valen was a good sport, so despite the foul-fest on both sides of the pitch, the game was played with a friendly tone.
ELF scoring: Category B, +10 match, +10 win, +6 (3x tds for) -2 (1x td against) +4 (casualties for) = 28 pts”