“Captains log, BBdate - in the evening, just about my kids bedtime...
Beset with technical difficulties and facing a foe looking very similar to our old advesaries the GORN, the crew/team of the HIC finished the game comfortable winners. Man those GO....I mean lizards hit hard mind. Raff-OV Kahn and Thull Spied are recovering in sickbay. Early reports from the doctor suggest that Raff is suffering from Tholian post traumatic Iguana syndrome. ”
Beset with technical difficulties and facing a foe looking very similar to our old advesaries the GORN, the crew/team of the HIC finished the game comfortable winners. Man those GO....I mean lizards hit hard mind. Raff-OV Kahn and Thull Spied are recovering in sickbay. Early reports from the doctor suggest that Raff is suffering from Tholian post traumatic Iguana syndrome. ”