#16 Seppo – Broken Ribs (MNG) #16 Seppo – Serious Concussion (-AV)
“It was a humiliation I will not soon forget. My guys were shining their claws before the match, looking forward to shred some orcs, but as it turned out, they were the ones being beaten to a bloody pulp.
After seeing the orcs' handicap landing on bad press I was happy, but that feeling soon changed into horror when the orc fans got the ref on the starting kick off of second half. With our dirty player being badly hurt on first half and two dirty players on the pitch on the opponents side - not to mention their numerical advantage on the pitch, I decided to conceed.
We're not men yet. Hopefully we are when it's time for a rematch.
Well played StarBreeze and I thoroughly thank you for a game that I will be having nightmares about for weeks to come.
“Luck-o-meter explainz da game itself. Chaoz guyz tried to bring az do'n but we'r stronga' and greena.
Ar boyz with 'eavy bootz tried to b'eak some chaoz teef, but dey 'ad a louzy day.
Strange troll. We 'urt him 2 timez 'n he kept comin' back fo' mo'e. Reelee stoopid.
-Sorry for the tough luck Nan, I just hope I can give you a recovery sooner or later. Good luck.”
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After seeing the orcs' handicap landing on bad press I was happy, but that feeling soon changed into horror when the orc fans got the ref on the starting kick off of second half. With our dirty player being badly hurt on first half and two dirty players on the pitch on the opponents side - not to mention their numerical advantage on the pitch, I decided to conceed.
We're not men yet. Hopefully we are when it's time for a rematch.
Well played StarBreeze and I thoroughly thank you for a game that I will be having nightmares about for weeks to come.