“Twahnlow Votes:
3pts - Leg Breaka - for the first and most important TD of the game.
2pts - Loony Tossa - for some good play making
1pt - Thigh Kleava - for stealing the show in the dying minutes”
For the orcs, this will be their final match for the season (round 7 is a scheduled bye), and being in 7th place at the moment, it's crucial that they get a win if they want to avoid relegation. With Bone Krasha deciding that she's too good to play at all this match (Greatest / niggle failed), there will only be 11 of them taking to the field. On the other side of the pitch, the Stinkers have gone all out, hiring Borak for the match! Unfortunately, there's not a tackler amongst them, so they'll have their work cut out for them.
And we're off! The rotters have come up with a perfect defence - and have the line of scrimmage well and truly covered. That will certainly make it tough for the zons. They still have both throwers and the catcher back to cover the ball though, and now that they've pushed back off the line a little, they aren't going to get hit quite as hard as the Rotter's fans were hoping. Looks like a push up the side of the field from the zons - Borak is down amongst a group of them, lucky for him, Over the Slips is there to save his skin. You can hear resounding boos from the crowd - they wanted to see a foul! You'd think that the two crowd-pushed beastmen would have done a bit to sate their appetite for blood, but it doesn't seem to be the case at all.
Oh my, that wasn't the smartest thing to do - it's tough to pass the ball when you're surrounded by the stench of nurgle, and though the pass went roughly in the right direction, the zons have left it on the ground. There aren't too many of the Rotters near the ball any more, but the zons will need to do something about the loose ball quick-smart if they want a touchdown this half. I reckon Da Flinga will be getting an earful from her coach after the match.
The Stinkers have started closing in on the ball, but Leg Breaka has sent Blocker III straight back to the ground where he came from. Da Flinga has moved in to assist, trying to make up for her mistake, and in comes Head Stompa - down goes Glancer III, leaving an open path for Leg Breaka to take the ball through for the touchdown. That's 1-0 to the orcs, but the rotters may yet have time to score.
A deep defence from the zons, and with just seconds on the clock, it looks like time is up for the Stinkers. That's it folks, hal ... hang on a minute, I don't believe what I'm seeing here! Over the slips has dodged his way through to the end-zone and Sweeper III has used every bit of available movement to get the ball into the hands of Blocker II. They're going for a miracle touchdown, the sort of thing you expect from elves! With a short pass to the waiting rotter, Blocker II has done his bit, and all that's left is for Over the Slips to catch the ball. There's absolute silence in the arena as he's struggles to control the ball, has be made it in time? YES - it's a touchdown!!! That was one hell of a play.
Well, half time now, and things are certainly looking up for the Stinkers. We Fink Wer Orks are down to just 8 players now, and it will take something special for them to pull off a win from here. Here's we go, just a short break, and they're lining up again. It seems the zons are determined not to let this match slip away too easily, and with a perfect defence, they're relying on a good kick to keep them in the game. And what a kick it is - you can't do much better than that. The ball is sitting *in* the end-zone. If the rotters don't pull back a bit to cover it, it's possible that we'll see a one woman show from Loony Tossa. She's lining up to run straight down the field... that is ... if she's still standing.
The rotters have pulled back just enough to cover the ball, and they've suckered most of the zons into the middle of the pitch. Looks like they're planning to tie them pu with the beast, and just keep on pounding away. It's a simple plan, and effective ... whoops - The One is down - that beast isn't tying up anyone now. Make or break time for the zons. They're not looking bad - 2 KOs from 2 hits, but Head Stompa has fallen flat on her face leaving a hole the size of an ogre along the sidelines. Sweeper III won't even have to dodge to get the ball to Borak, and with his incredible strength, he's not likely to let go of it either.
Ooh, I see what they're planning - Leg Breaka's been training for this one - she's going to try to knock the ball right out of Borak's hands - i guess so that Loony Tossa can get a hold of it. Yes! It took a re-roll, but she's done it. Not a bad bounce either. It's out of range for Loony Tossa, but Da Flinga has somehow writhed free of The One's tentacle grip, and has made up for her first half mistake by throwing the ball right into a group of zons. I reckon things are going to get messy now, just the way we like it!
Snap! Back Breaka is down - dead as a dead thing. Fine work from the apothecary though, I don't know how they do it, but Back Break is already back on her feet! In the meantime, Slog Sweeper has taken the loose ball right out of the air in front of two of the zons. I think he'll have trouble getting out of there though. Just a bit of a push around, but Slog Sweeper is feeling the pressure, and has decided to make a break for it. Unfortunately, but his catching skills don't extend to dodging, and he'd fallen flat on his face. A loose ball for the zons, and with Loony Tossa around, it's unlikely to stay looks for long. There she goes now - off with the ball, and already downfield out of range for any blitz attempts. Not likely they'll be able to lay a finger on her now. And that settles it - the score is 2-1, and we've got just one turn left on the clock. What's this? the ref has called for some extra time - apparently the orc apothecary spent too long getting Back Breaka on her feet. We could have a draw yet.
Here they go - Borak has rushed forwards, with Blocker II to support him, but they're not really close enough to make be real threat - between Hed Splitta and Head Stompa, I don't think they'll be getting through. up the other end of the field though, the ball is still loose, and it looks like Thigh Kleava is making a break for it! She could well make a third touchdown for the orks. Disaster - French Cut has rolled up some horrible dice and down he goes - time is running out, but with no one there to stop her, Thigh Kleava shouldn't have too much trouble, and she doesn't.
Well, that's it folks. The final score was 3-1 to the orks. All in all, that was one hell of a match - it certainly had me on the edge of my seat! And with the win going to the orcs, relegation is now a certainty for the Stinkers. It's still on the cards for both teams, we'll just have to wait and see how the remaining Premier matches go.
3 pts - #12 Over the Slips
For the touchdown of course. No one expects a rotter, especially a rookie, to be able to pull of maneuvers like that - dodging away to the end-zone, and then catching the ball right when on the buzzer! The defence of Borak was also a key move - he was going to receive one hell of a foul (probably just to a stun, but still...). He killed Back Breaka (who was saved only by the apothecary), and last of all, he dealt out two KOs (as good as anyone). A great, all-round game from this rookie Rotter.
2 pts - #3 Sweeper III
Critical in the Stinkers ball handling efforts - not so much a standout player, but he did everything you could ask of him given the circumstances. If it wasn't for Borak dropping the ball, the game probably would have gone the other way.
1 pt - #8 Blocker II
For the pass that led to the touchdown - beautiful work from this beastman - maybe he should take a break from blocking, and move into some more um .. elf-like endeavours. He seems to have the knack of it ;)
Notable mention: Hoiker III
Those claws were a menace - he dealt out two cas in the first half, leaving us with just 8 players for the second half. If numbers had been the deciding factor in the game, or the damage had been dealt to more critical players, Hoiker III definitely would have earned a couple of votes.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
3pts - Leg Breaka - for the first and most important TD of the game.
2pts - Loony Tossa - for some good play making
1pt - Thigh Kleava - for stealing the show in the dying minutes”