“An exciting, high-tempo match with all the players knowing their roles, and playing them to the hilt.
The Emperors' Arial assault was aided by some brilliant (and courageous) blocking, leading to one score on a turnover and another in a litghtning-fast passing play.
The were countered successfully by the Things' brute-force ground game mixed with short passes and Him's great snag out of the air, stopping the Emperors cold.
A fine, and fun, game against a nice opponent. Happy to play you any time!”
The Emperors' Arial assault was aided by some brilliant (and courageous) blocking, leading to one score on a turnover and another in a litghtning-fast passing play.
The were countered successfully by the Things' brute-force ground game mixed with short passes and Him's great snag out of the air, stopping the Emperors cold.
A fine, and fun, game against a nice opponent. Happy to play you any time!”