“One of these games you know from start that you'll stand no chance because of the poor dice rolls you get each time you roll them.
Then why should i try to stop the opponent if it's destinated to fail miserably?
In such cases i prefer to go on fouling, it doesn't help for the win but it relieve me from the pain of seeing my team failing everything and gives an easy win to the opponent.
Very unbalanced game though, 60% luck, 5 cas, 2 comps, 4 tds, 60k and +ff for opponent and me getting the overside 47% luck, not a single cas as the one inflicted was on a foul, no comps, no td , an amazing 20k and ff down.
What's your ff? 9 ha ha ha, mine was 16.
Some games really sucks, this one was another ranked farce.
Grats for the prowess, ha ha aha.”
Click on the charts to toggle relative statistics.
If a few rolls are bad in the beginning, i show what a great dork i can be. :-)
I hope you enjoyed the game tho, it was our last one. I prefer playing mature ppl.”